Added option Prevent certain screen captures (in Tools &8594; Options &8594; tab Advanced). Added PASSWORD_ENC placeholder. Added -pw-enc: command line parameter. Improved database save confirmation dialog text. Various other improvements.
Feb 01, 20241.42
Added option Show warning when the key transformation settings are weak. Increased default number of AES-KDF iterations. Improved dialog banner styles. Minor process memory protection improvements. Various other improvements.
Jan 03, 20231.41
Added EDGE placeholder, which is replaced by the Microsoft Edge executable path. The FIREFOX placeholder now supports detecting the Microsoft Store version of Firefox. HTML export/printout enhancements. Improved item separation in the entry details view. Various other new features and improvements.
May 02, 20221.40.1
Added workaround for Wine bug 52457. Increased Authenticode certificate key length. Various CHM/help improvements. Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.79.0. Other minor improvements.
Jan 03, 20221.40
On most Windows systems, AES-KDF is now about 3 times as fast as before. Added database file information dialog that is displayed when creating a new database. Improved default configuration file. Installer: improved file overwriting. Various other new features and improvements.
Jan 03, 20221.40
[no details available]
Jan 02, 20211.39
Added auto-type matching option Consider similar dashes as identical. Added clipboard content exclusion from processing by Windows internal ClipboardMonitor component. Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.75.0. Fixed a bug that could cause a crash after performing a drag&drop operation into certain other apps. Various minor other improvements.
Jan 13, 20201.38
Added yellow intermediate step in password quality progress bars. KeePass now excludes itself from Windows Error Reporting. The pattern-based password generator now supports repeating escaped characters using .... Migrated most of the documentation from XHTML 1.0 to HTML 5. Various other new features and improvements.
Jan 02, 20191.37
Added option Do not store data in the Windows clipboard history and the cloud clipboard. Enhanced installer (added user directory checks, etc.). Improved reliability of clipboard operations. The data for the Clipboard Viewer Ignore clipboard format is now stored in UTF-16. Various other minor new features and improvements.
Sep 04, 20181.36
KeePass now uses Transactional NTFS (TxF) for writing database files. Added automatic completion support for the user name box in the entry editing dialog. Added option Search for passwords in quick searches (turned off by default). The KP1_CFG_LOCAL environment variable now supports paths relative to the current working directory. Various other minor new features and improvements.
Jan 02, 20181.35
Language files and plugins should now be stored in the Languages and Plugins folders. Password quality estimation: improved compatibility with process memory protection. Improved password quality estimation performance. Printing / HTML export: improved embedding of CSS and improved space encoding. Various other minor improvements.
Oct 05, 20171.34
Printing now works even when the default browser doesnt support the Print shell verb. Added workaround for Wine not supporting EM_PASTESPECIAL. When attaching a file fails, a detailed error message is displayed now. Increased default number of AES-KDF rounds. Various other minor new features and improvements.
Jun 02, 20171.33
Browser path detection: added support for 64-bit browsers. Improved application and system tray icons. Moved advanced tray icon options to a separate group. Invalid characters (like control characters) now are filtered out when exporting to an XML file. Various other minor improvements.
Jan 02, 20171.32
When trying to search using an invalid regular expression, an error message is displayed now. Context menus can now be displayed by pressing the Apps key or Shift+F10. Changed keyboard shortcut for closing KeePass to Ctrl+Q. During a drag-and-drop operation, KeePass now additionally provides the text in Unicode form. Various other minor new features and improvements.
Mar 03, 20161.31
The quick search box now supports searching using a regular expression. Added per-user Start Menu Internet Application detection. HTML export/printing enhancements. Added time limit for finding repetitions during a password quality estimation. Various other minor improvements.
Jan 04, 20161.30
Refined application icons. Added option UUID in the Find dialog (to search in UUIDs of entries). Added option Delete attachments in the Mass Modify dialog. All KeePass program binaries are now dual signed using SHA-1 and SHA-256. The password generator now ensures Spr-invariance.
Apr 03, 20151.29
user interface and integration enhancements, and various other minor new features and improvements.
Oct 01, 20141.28
[no details available]
Apr 07, 20141.27
Password text boxes now use a monospace font. The Find in this Group function now also searches in subgroups of the selected group. OPERA placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Opera. Enhanced Internet Explorer detection. Various other minor new features and improvements.
Jul 13, 20131.26
New password quality estimation algorithm. Improved main window activation redirection and focus behavior. Improved password generator character set definitions. Various other minor new features and improvements.