Added Barcodes and QR codes to labels and certificates Export erase results to CSV log New Recov
Jan 15, 202423.1.17.0
Boot Disk Creator allows to configure default display scalingSite/Enterprise license type displaye
Nov 15, 202323.1
Boot Disk Creator allows to configure default display scaling Site/Enterprise license type displayed in window title Improved navigation in Hex Viewer for large clusters Physical sector size displayed in disk properties Fixed mapping a network drive under Boot Disk
Sep 13, 202323.0.17
Improved support of Windows 11 Updated sanitizing kernel Issue fixes and other improvements
Jul 11, 202323.0.11
Upgraded to Qt Framework version 5.12.5 and Platform Kit version 143 Improved support of Windows 11 Improved output to the application log and certificates Improved sanitizing kernel Other improvements and bug fixes
Mar 10, 202323
Improved Windows 11 support; Improved output to the application log and certificates Boot Disk Creator allows to save settings for PXE Boot Latest sanitizing kernel with many improvements Upgraded to Qt framework v5.12.5 and Platform Kit v143 Active Boot Disk: WinPE upgraded to Windows 11 22H2
Nov 08, 202215
New: Grey application style by default New: Configurable dynamic disks (LDMLVM) reconstruction Improved device view filtering Console Boot Disk based on Tiny Core 12 now includes all the latest device drivers Windows Boot Disk switched to the latest WinPE 10 based on Windows 11 v21H2 code base
Jul 29, 202214.0.27.1
[no details available]
Jun 20, 202214.
Bug fixes Performance improvements
Feb 11, 202214.0.21.4
Verification bug fixed. Serial numbers fixed for Transcent & ADATA manufacturers. Minor issues with information display resolved.
Dec 02, 202114.0.21
New: The ability to customize KillDisk settings for Boot Disk New: Boot Disk Creator and Linux-based Boot Disk for erasing system disks New: Context help New: Secure e-mails with SSL/TLS support Improvement: Dialogs optimized for low-resolution monitors
Sep 28, 202114.0.15
Boot Disk Creator and Linux-based Boot Disk for erasing system disks.SSL/TLS support for SMTP.Co
May 26, 202114
New: Added context help.New: Secure e-mail notifications provided (added SSL/TLS support for SMTP)
Jan 29, 202113.0.11
Active Boot Disk upgraded to the latest WinPE based on Windows 10 build 2004 Console updated to the latest Linux Kernel and Drivers Set Ultimate & Linux versions: Active LiveCD upgraded to openSUSE 15.2: Linux Kernel 5.3, KDE 5.18 Secure Erase feature for SSD drives Bug fixes and improvements
Dec 01, 202013
Resume Disk erase action to continue interrupted disk erase due to disk malfunction or errorsDigit
Jul 13, 202012.0.25.2
Boot Disk now fully supports SATA & PCI-E NVMe M.2 disksWinPE updated to Windows 10 build 1903Im
May 13, 202012.0.25
Boot Disk now fully supports SATA & PCI-E NVMe M.2 disksWinPE updated to Windows 10 build 1903Im