Monitor and Secure your WiFi connection

These tools enable you to keep an eye on your WiFi connection. You can measure signal strength, recover WiFi passwords, and also make sure your neighbors are not using your bandwidth or stealing your data...

HomedaleHomedaleFree wireless network monitorshowEditor:rating
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Wireless Network WatcherWireless Network WatcherFree network scannershowEditor:rating
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SoftPerfect WiFi GuardSoftPerfect WiFi GuardTrial alerts you of new Wi-Fi connectionsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
WirelessKeyViewWirelessKeyViewFree recover wireless network keysshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
Private WiFiPrivate WiFiTrial keep your network activity privateshowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
WiFi Password RevealerWiFi Password RevealerFree recover your wireless passwordshowEditor:rating
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SterJo Wireless PasswordsSterJo Wireless PasswordsFree recover your wireless network passwordshowEditor:rating
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Who Is On My WifiWho Is On My WifiTrial see who is using your wireless networkshowEditor:rating
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WirelessNetViewWirelessNetViewFree monitor wireless networks in your rangeshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
Xirrus Wi-Fi InspectorXirrus Wi-Fi InspectorFree troubleshoot your wi-fi connectionshowEditor:rating
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WirelessMon ProWirelessMon ProTrial wireless network monitoringshowEditor:rating
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Virtual RouterVirtual RouterFree create a wireless hotspotshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)

  Next: Manage and secure your online passwords