Kindle for PC

Kindle for PC

3.5 stars

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1 (1)

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7 7



read Kindle books on your PC Kindle for PC enables you to read Kindle books from Amazon on your PC. If you own a Kindle device, you can import your previous book purchases from your Amazon account and read them on your PC, or, if you don`t own a Kindle, you can purchase Kindle books on Amazon and then read them on your PC - no Kindle required. While most books must be purchased, there are also a variety of free books available (mostly public domain) that you can download from the Amazon site. The Kindle software offers basic e-book reader features with support for bookmarks, text annotation, personal notes and full-screen viewing. Copyright

Product Details

Publisher (3) Price Free
Version 2.4.70964  history Last updated Nov 18, 2024
File Size 43.4 Mb Requirements None

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Typical Amazon 1 stars by Tooloose Apr 15, 2015 (Read all my 3 reviews)
Amazon leads you to believe that you can download books but what they mean is that you can download them to Amazon. The reader has only one feature; the ability to bookmark a page. You can't make notes or underline. I'm perfectly content with paper if this is the level of technology for a leader in the e-book industry. show Review details
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