Alex Nolan

Publisher Website
Listed Since
Sep 11, 2004
Software Listings
Average Rating
star  3.3 out of 5
Average User Rating
star  4.6 out of 5  (14 user reviews)
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Most Popular Software
55  MDB Viewer Plus

Software products from this publisher

Chronometask screenshot

icon Chronometask

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:22

Chronometask is a simple countdown timer that can sound an audible alarm, show a message, run a program or shutdown/restart your system after the specified countdown has elapsed. The program also includes a basic stopwatch... more

DBF Viewer Plus screenshot

icon DBF Viewer Plus

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (1)
  • Popularity:11

DBF Viewer Plus is a simple viewer and editor for DBF database files. It displays the table content, and allows in-row editing of the data as adding of new record. The program also provides a basic search for table content... more

Drive Manager screenshot

icon Drive Manager

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (3)
  • Popularity:22

Drive Manager is a small and useful tool that makes it easy to retrieve drive information for all your drives at a glance. It runs as a standalone EXE file and displays Label, Type, Size, Used, Available, Format, Serial number... more

MDB Viewer Plus screenshot

icon MDB Viewer Plus

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (2)
  • Popularity:55

MDB Viewer Plus enables you to view and edit the content of .ACCDB and .MDB files without the need to have Microsoft Access installed. It provides a tabbed interface (one for each table or object) as well in-row editing and an... more

Optical Info screenshot

icon Optical Info

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:11

Optical Info is a simple, standalone utility that gathers information about the installed CD and DVD drives and displays the capabilities and technical specs such as Read/Write/Rewriting to CD/DVD as well as the supported... more

System Spec screenshot

icon System Spec

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (5)
  • Popularity:44

System Spec is a simple tool for those who want to gather the most important system specifications for their computer. The program displays the CPU Speed, MAC Address, Ports, Memory (RAM), Video Card, Windows version and... more