
SE-Explorer User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 2 user reviews
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Improved? 4 stars by gimpguy Aug 02, 2011 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
By the ratings, I assume this was extremely basic prior. Now, either it's changed or some things were missed. It does have some very handy features like disk size view, text file compare, different viewers, media, image view, file search, etc... and browses very quickly. The program itself comes across as very basic but underneath, there are a lot of options. Scan for disk size, folder size, files, hidden, and others and all in one handy window, well, two windows, the viewing pane of course. This actually had a lot more than I expected. If you want to open with default applications or open with it's own viewer, simply right click, view. I ended up being impressed by this. Sure there are those which do much more or look fancier but this actually has a lot to it, once again, very surprised. show Review details
Rudimentary 3 stars by DataRat Apr 27, 2010 (Read all my 15 reviews)
SE-Explorer is more rudimentary than other freeware file managers out there. I view it as one or two incremental steps above Microsoft's Windows Explorer, and recommend it for anyone who doesn't want a real fancy (read: complicated) file manager. Just one that's ~better~ than Windows Explorer. show Review details
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