The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.
Setup still not ideal, but easy enough if you just take a minute to look at options pulldowns and decide how you want to adjust volume (ie. with which keys/mouse or combo). In my case I set it up to use alt-scroll to adjust volume and on the second line, I selected hotkeys and set it up to use f9 and f10 for up down volume. Nice. I love it. Many thanks to Nirsoft (developer).
Price: Free review details
It has (most of) the features and functions I wanted, runs smoothly and nice integration with IE, and SlimBrowser. Best downloader I have found and only one I have kept for the IE platform. It is a bit rude in that it tries to put itself in the startup menu on every run (regardless of options setting), as far as I can tell. Not terrible, but not necessary either (I use the right click menu in IE/SlimBrowser to invoke, so I don't need a tray icon.
Price: Free review details
The homepage of this app has info to help with setup. But, I had an undocumented problem.
I ran Synergy for years with an early D-Link router in my network. Later changed to a new D-Link N-type router (DIR-625). Suddenly Synergy rarely could connect the two computers without reseting the router. I eventually found additional undocumented setup requirements for Windows.
First I had to assign fixed IP addresses to the computers involved (using the router DCHP settings). Second, I put those IP addresses in a windows table called "hosts" found in the folder C:windowssystem32driversetc".
Google for "synergy hate d-link cybertechhelp" and read that article for details on exactly what I did.
This solution may solve connection problems on other routers as well. (Notice - no Synergy settings had to be changed, only router and Windows Settings).
Now Synergy connects instantly every time and works as it should. Great program.
Price: Free review details
I tried to use it with the shift-scroll option. Frequently, I would do shift-scroll and nothing would happen. If I closed IVOL and then restarted it, the shift scroll would work again. I didn't take the time to try to find out what circumstances caused it to stop working, but it did so consistently on my system.
Price: Free review details
Finds bad sectors when chkdsk says the drive passes. The bad sectors are there - chkdsk, for all its good points, somehow doesn't report them.
It has helped explain mysterious system behavior that I originally thought was spyware, but was in fact partially unusable sectors corrupting operating system code.
By the way the reviewer who states that it "does not fix bad sectors" is correct. But, since bad sectors are hardware errors, no program can fix them. When found, one should do a full backup and replace the bad (failing) drive. See the author's website for more info, including a table of drive access speeds for many drives (1000+).
Get this. It is simple and does its job well. Great value!
Price: Free Trial ($34.95) review details
Generally found it far more useful than the other DL managers I tried. Their complexity added nothing useful for me. I loved being able to drag links into the DL mgr window to DL. Could have a few more features for me. Control-click did not work for PDF's (maybe works for others?). I would like to be able to (optionally) select the DL folder for each new DL I drag to the window. Nice program, though. Excellent at what it does and fast.
Price: Free review details
Works well for most (simple) webpages. Webpages with advertising or which display the time, for example can be a problem. One solution is to limit Webmon's area on the webpage to be watched (via start and endpoints based on fixed text). Sometimes that is not practical.
Like I said, much of the time that is not a problem. So for about 80% of what I might like to watch, this is a great solution. Well written software. Good options. Nice interface.
Price: Free review details