Software Reviews by Oichi_Ru

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Mercury/32 Mercury/32

Excellent for small business or relay server 4 stars
We have used Mercury/32 as our SMTP, POP and IMAP for 5 years in our small business. Many companies run Mercury in Novell mode. Merc/32 has never failed us and you can't get better than that. The Mercury mailing lists are very helpful and the filtering is excellent in Mercury. On the downside, the usernames do not integrate into Windows which is a pain and the daemon functionality is largely unused, largely due to a lack of documentation on writing daemons. If you understand the basics of a mail server, don't mind circa 1990's style dialog boxes or vague options path and and you want an industrial strength mail server then Mercury is it. IMPORTANT ! All the Mercury/32 config settings are all in mercury.ini so if things go terribly wrong, fixing it is much easier than restoring or fixing registry entries or databases. I had to restore 4 corrupted Exchange servers once. I've never been the same person since. Price: Free
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WinRoll WinRoll

Winroll just works 5 stars
Only 2 reviews ? But I suppose the other reviewers said it already. WinRoll just works. I use it on all my Win2k and XP computers. Thanks to the author for a great piece of software. Price: Free
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