Software Reviews by GhostMan

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.


The best compression program! 5 stars
This program is the easiest to use, makes the smallest file sizes, and is constantly updated. The rar format is also vastly superior to the zip format because it is better at handling large file sizes, and has more options to create archives that can withstand physical data damage. It also has better encription to keep data safe Price: Free Trial ($29.00)
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Winamp Full Winamp Full

Still the best 5 stars
I know that Winamp has fallen out of favour a bit since the success of iTunes, but for me its still the best music player on the block. With all the skins available to give you a different look all the time, a decent EQ and video support, theres no way iTunes can touch Winamp. Price: Free
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