Software Reviews by Harry_Q_Hammer

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

CinemaDrape CinemaDrape

Elegant simplicity 5 stars
I spend a lot of time watching videos on youtube and the like, as well as reading online comic strips. As is frequently the case with these and many other sites, there are intrusive flashing advertising banners or bright areas of the page that continually draw my eye away from what I am viewing. CinemaDrape to the rescue! It is called up with a single mouse click or keyboard shortcut. The darkened area (drape) surrounding the viewing box can be easily dragged to any size and quickly assigned to one of 9 user presets for quick recall in the future. The drape can be set to any level of partial opaqueness or be completely opaque, and assigned any shade of colour. The program is very system friendly, occupying less than 10MB memory and only using CPU cycles when it is being recalled or manually resized. It is a wonderfully simple yet effective gadget that can enhance your viewing experience. Well done to the developer! Price: Free
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Flash Movie Player Flash Movie Player

This is the shockwave flash player to get! 5 stars
Unlike other Shockwave Flash players I have tried, Flash Movie Player has a playlist function that allows multiple SWF files to be queued and played in sequence. Finally, files don't have to be loaded one at a time! (This function was a long time in coming!) The playlist window can be detached from the main player and placed anywhere on the desktop. Another great feature is the ability to take real-time snapshots in BMP or JPEG format from the currently playing file - hit the appropriate hotkey combo and a snapshot is saved into a previously configured folder. Alternatively, a different folder can be selected each time a snapshot is taken. Flash Movie Player can scour the caches of all installed internet browsers and retrieve any SWF files that have been downloaded as part of normal internet browsing. These can then be saved as standard SWF files. There are other powerful functions too, and with over 35 languages built-in, this is the SWF player of choice for everybody! Price: Free
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