Software Reviews by Djohnfot

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition

Three small cheers and a great big boo.... 2 stars
PC Tools antivirus is a thoroughly great antivirus program if one looks only at the interface, features, and ease of use. In those categories it is at-or-near the top of the heap. What made me dislike the program was program bloat! This program slowed both of my computers (using XP SP2) down to an alarming degree. I was not surprised that it slowed one down (PIII with 256mb RAM) but it should not have done so with the other computer (3gHz P4 with 1gb RAM). It's the resident shields that do it - disable them and everythings back to speed which is totally unacceptable. PC Tools needs to optimize their code (is this written in visual basic?!?) so the shields run butter. Fix the bloat and PC Tools will have a world class antivirus program instead of one that reminds me of a beta release. As it is - NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME Price: Free
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Avast Free Antivirus Avast Free Antivirus

Better than most and it's free 5 stars
This is a great program. It won't slow down your computer. It has a very effective resident virus shield(s). One can choose scanning depth from "quick" (only recently accessed or opened files) to "thorough" (every file on the computer) and several levels between the two. The interface is different but very easy to use AND one can "reskin" it using one of the many new "skins" available at the avast! website. Overall, a great program that's actually better than many (not all) of the antivirus programs you have to pay for. Price: Free
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Ad-Aware Free Antivirus Ad-Aware Free Antivirus

Everybody needs this program... 5 stars
Ad-Aware SE belongs in every computer users arsenal against spyware (nee: Malware) and it should be used often. Spyware sucks and you can use this great program to find and eliminate it. The scanner is better than that of many commercial programs but it does not have a resident shield. Signature updates are frequent. Run Ad-Aware SE with a companion program such as Spybot or Tenebril's Spycatcher Express, both of which have resident shields, and you won't need a commercial spyware catcher. Price: Free
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Spybot  Search and Destroy (Free) Spybot Search and Destroy (Free)

Great program but falling a bit behind..... 4 stars
For years Spybot has been one of the big dogs of free anti-spyware programs and it still is but it's slipping. It has one of the best spyware blockers available but its scanner misses a lot compared to Adaware SE or most of the commercial programs. Signature updates are infrequent. Spybot should not be used as your only anti-spyware tool. Use it with another quality freeware program (Adaware SE or Tenebril's Spycatcher Express) and you will have a combination as good - or better than - most commercial programs. Needed? A less clunky interface and more frequent signature updates. Beginners should stay away from the EXPERT menus. Fooling around in here can cause you grief. If you don't know what a menu item or program choice does - leave it alone! I congratulate the author for a fantastic free program but hope a program upgrade is in the works. Price: Free
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