Software Reviews by mybuzz

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

SpywareBlaster SpywareBlaster

Great program 5 stars
Since using this program (over 4 years now) my system has had noticeably less garbage on it. Updates are rare and you have to pay for auto updates but this program is still worth the minor work it takes to keep it up to date. Highly recommend this program. Price: Free
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Ad-Aware Free Antivirus Ad-Aware Free Antivirus

Average program 2 stars
This used to be a great program a few years ago but it is seriously lacking teeth nowadays. Updates are about once a week and it hardly finds anything on my system as apposed to several other programs that regularly find cookies and occasional files. I would pass on this until the developers spend some time improving it. Price: Free
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