The problem I had was a corrupted install of MS Office 2007. No uninstall worked properly and Office refused to work on reinstall. None of the solutions on the Web worked, or my existing cleaners. Eventually, I deleted every file referencing Office by hand, and used the Eusing cleaner on the registry. It found and fixed 540 errors missed by the others! Office then installed properly. The automatic registry backup gives confidence, and the cleaning is better than any other.
I used it on a desktop littered with interacting MS stuff, like Office and Visual Studio, where it fixed 1500 errors. As a result the PC crashed on reboot, corrupting the XP system file! This was easily fixed and the PC is now much faster and more reliable.
This is a great utility, a necessary antidote to Microsoft's sloppy programming. But you should know what you are doing and not be afraid of the registry. Otherwise, stick with CCleaner.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jul 12, 2009 for v2.5.1