Some lament, some torment, some really have nothing to say that is of use to anyone. It must be the Freeware Syndrome! I personally adore the freewares that I use, however when I like a program : I BUY IT. Some reviewers don't even seem to be able to configure, much less use the programs they are lamenting on.... I guess they simply don't deserve the best Internet Security Suite at the best possible cost.
No sir some people think the whole world owes them their work, labor and initiatives : free of charge always! So here it is : VIPRE does the work for me!!! And very well, since I registered : my machine has never been so clean or hassle free. No more blue screens, no more full OS reinstalls, no more rootkits.
ALL the protection that I want or ever wanted. Above all it is North American based and offers excellent consumer service : I can and will testify to this !
Price: Free Trial ($79.99)
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Mar 15, 2012 for v4.0.4280