Software Reviews by Shelduck

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

KeePass Password Safe KeePass Password Safe

Password-managers don't get better than this 5 stars
I like everything about it:
-free and open source
-actively updated
-fully featured and yet compact (3MB download)
-plenty of plug-ins for customisation and enhancement
-cross-platform support with various ported versions
-great interface
-strong encryption algorithms (some via plug-ins)
-provides security measures against password-stealing and key-logging.

I've got it on my Windows laptop and I've got KeePass2Android on my phone and consider them indispensable. Price: Free
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SyMenu SyMenu

Used to like it. 2 stars
It used to be good but the updates to it have made it much inferior: so, I have reverted to an earlier version. I really can no longer recommend it. Price: Free
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