Software Reviews by carl969

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

SiteMap Generator SiteMap Generator

Does not work on secure sites (ssl) 1 stars
Many pages today force encryption so create a more secure web. This utility does not work on any of them. Price: Free
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Screen Dragons Screen Dragons

It's almost the software I've been dream 4 stars
When I got the idea to paste images onto my Windows desktop, I thought it would be fairly easy to do. Currently, my workflow is that I use a vector drawing program to paste notes, and some separate area for kanban columns onto a nice image. I then use Windows Sticky Notes to organize my immediate tasks. However, changing and exporting desktop bitmaps is the pain it sounds to be. When I saw this program, I was very excited! Once you know how, it couldn't be simpler to place bitmaps on the desktop. There was a problem I saw immediately which was that I couldn't rotate the images; this is kinda fine.. just an aesthetics point. The BIG problem is that you cannot save the configuration between reboots. Until you can, it's really no more than a cool toy. Price: Free
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