
Search Results for "hide secret data inside audio files"

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east-tec InvisibleSecrets screenshot

icon east-tec InvisibleSecrets

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: no reviews
  • Popularity: 55

Invisible Secrets is a security tool that can encrypt your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the internet. It can also hides them inside other files, that appear totally innocent, such as pic... more Category: Encryption Tools

Secret Messager screenshot

icon Secret Messager

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (1)
  • Popularity: 66

Secret Messager is a small tool that can help you send encrypted messages or files by email or other means. You can type a plain text message into the program dialog, set a password, encrypt the t... more Category: Encryption Tools

Pixeloid screenshot

icon Pixeloid

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: no reviews
  • Popularity: 22

Pixeloid is a unique encryption tool that allows you to encrypt typed text, images or text files inside a small Pixeloid graphic, that resembles a matrix of colored pixels. You can drag and drop a... more Category: Encryption Tools

OpenPuff screenshot

icon OpenPuff

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (1)
  • Popularity: 44

OpenPuff is a steganography and file marking tool that enables you to hide sensitive data inside images, audio files, videos and Flash files. It supports 512bit key cryptography with SHA512 passwor... more Category: Encryption Tools

Program Protector screenshot

icon Program Protector

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: no reviews
  • Popularity: 44

Program Protector allows you to password protect selected programs, so that a dialog will prompt for the proper password before the program can be run. You can password protect any Windows application by simply draggi... more Category: File and Folder Protection

Folder Lock screenshot

icon Folder Lock

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (3)
  • Popularity: 1010

Folder Lock is an easy to use, yet full-featured, software to lock, encrypt and backup your sensitive files and folders. The program uses 256-bit on-the-fly AES encryption to create password protected containers ("Locke... more Category: File and Folder Protection

Secret Sharp screenshot

icon Secret Sharp

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: no reviews
  • Popularity: 22

Secret Sharp is a unique security tool that enables you to encrypt a short, text based secret that can only be decrypted with two or more keys, which basically act as passwords. Let's say you require 3 shared keys ... more Category: Encryption Tools

EncryptedRegView screenshot

icon EncryptedRegView

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: no reviews
  • Popularity: 44

EncryptedRegView scans the Registry and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it and displays the decrypted data in the report wi... more Category: Registry Tools

Free File Camouflage screenshot

icon Free File Camouflage

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 3 (1)
  • Popularity: 22

Free File Camouflage is a steganography tool that enables you hide a secret file inside a JPG image. The "stuffed" JPG image can be viewed like any other image without giving away the fact that it contains a hidden fil... more Category: Encryption Tools

Androsa FileProtector screenshot

icon Androsa FileProtector

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (5)
  • Popularity: 33

Androsa FileProtector enables you to encrypt and password protect any type of file, including documents, images, videos etc. The program offers a choice of 3 encryption algorithms, AES 256/192/128 bit, TripleDES 192 bit... more Category: File and Folder Protection

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