These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Ultracopier (formerly) SuperCopier is an advanced replacement for the standard Windows copy command. It supports pause and resume of ongoing copy operations, adjustable copy speed settings, automatic renaming of old fil...
Category: File Management
STDU Explorer is file explorer that allows you to browse folders containing PDF files, DjVu eBooks or images (psd, bmp, png, gif, jpeg, wmf). It offers thumbnail browsing, a quick document preview...
Category: File Management
QuickJump enables you to quickly navigate to frequently used files and folders whenever you use the Save or Open dialogs from any application. You can configure multiple folder locations that you frequently use to manag...
Category: File Management
Belvedere is an easy to use tool that enables you to automate your file management and PC cleaning tasks. It allows you to create folder rules based on the file name, size, extension or date, and define an action to eac...
Category: File Management
Adebis Photo Sorter enables you to automatically organize your photos into a logical folder structure based on the date the photos were taken. You can create folders based on the year and optionally create sub-folder st...
Category: File Management
BulkFileChanger enables you to change files dates (last access, modified, created) and attributes for multiple files, even if they are located in different folders. You can create a list of files to be processed by copy...
Category: File Management
Empty Folder Nuker enables you to find and delete empty folders within a selected drive or base folder. The program can optionally check the content of subfolders and flag folders as empty if they contain nothing but em...
Category: System Cleaning
Delete Files By Date enables you (you guessed correctly) to delete files based on their Accessed, Created or Modified Date. You can specify on or more folders to search and further filter the file by their type (extensi...
Category: File Management
Agent Ransack is a very powerful and easy to use tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. You can search for file names or text in files with support for Regular expressions....
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Effective File Search (EFS) is a powerful, yet easy to use search tool, that allows you to search for files on your computer or local network. The program looks very similar to the standard Windows search dialog, but of...
Category: Desktop Search Tools