Disk Recoup

Disk Recoup

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Read and clone bad hard drives Disk Recoup is a disk copy utility that can read and clone faulty hard drives with bad media spots and other non-critical hardware faults that may render other data recovery utilities ineffective. The program requires the faulty drive to still be detected by the computer BIOS at boot time and to respond to basic disk commands. Disk Recoup uses both high- and low-level disk commands along with intelligent algorithms to copy the raw data from the faulty drive to another hard drive. In the best-case scenarios, the destination drive will be accessible normally in Windows Explorer after the copy operation is complete and the computer is rebooted. If part of the data data is corrupt, the drive may not be directly accessible but the files and folders it contains can be recovered using a standard file recovery utility. Copyright Snapfiles.com

Trial Limitations: Copies up to 1gb of readable data

Product Details

Publisher QueTek Consulting Corporation (2) Price $95.00
Version 2.1 Last updated Oct 27, 2008
File Size 965 Kb Requirements None

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