Video 2 MP3

Video 2 MP3

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portable Portable

drag-n-drop video to MP3 conversion Video 2 MP3 is a small and simple tool that allows you to quickly convert one or more video files (AVI, MPG, FLV) to MP3 format. There is no interface for the software, simply drag and drop the video file(s) onto the Video2MP3.exe icon and it will automatically extract the audio and save it as MP3 file to the same folder. By default, the program uses a 160kbps bitrate which can be customized by creating an .ini file. Video 2 MP3 makes use of the Mencoder engine to convert the video to MP3 format. Portable, no installation needed. Copyright

Product Details

Publisher Skwire Empire (17) Price Free
Version 1.0.3 Last updated Jan 17, 2013
File Size 6.81 Mb Requirements None

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