Webcam Time Lapse

Webcam Time Lapse

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record time-lapse videos with your webcam Webcam Time Lapse enables you to record time-lapse videos with your webcam. You can set the program to automatically capture a snapshot every few seconds, minutes, hours or days and later combine all snapshots into a time-lapse AVI video. It also includes a manual capture option that enables you to create stop motion videos. Webcam Time Lapse captures your snapshots and saves them as JPG files into a folder. You can then use the included AVI tool to convert them into a video, optionally even in reverse order. You can control the video speed by setting the frame rate and also adjust the video quality. The app also offers a "Daily Self Pic" mode, which can automatically snap a picture of you at a certain time each day. Copyright

Webcam Time Lapse is currently not available.

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