CSVed User Reviews

5 stars71% 5
4 stars28% 2
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Based on 7 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 7 user reviews
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Handy and works well 4 stars by Harlan May 06, 2014 (Read all my 69 reviews)
Provides all sorts of processing and editing options for dealing with delimited files. I find it useful for files that are inconsistently structured or that contain embedded data coding. I generally find that a text editor is adequate for quick searches and simple edits, and Excel handles more complicated editing and data conversion needs since the data usually ends up in Excel format anyway. If I want to create or modify a delimited file to send to someone else, however, CSVed provides flexibility and power that I can't get elsewhere. I think that CSVed is the most powerful (free) delimited-file tool available and I'm pleased to have it in my toolbox. show Review details
Definitely worth while 5 stars by gimpguy Aug 27, 2012 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I can't go through and explain even half the options in this software so I will simply say this, if you need to edit a CVS file, you have everything you need and more. I don't think there is an option that was left out. It's a bit confusing at first, a bit of a learning curve maybe, not too bad but just take your time, use a dummy CVS and begin working your magic. Currently, I'm having fun just using this for the heck of it, at least until I get serious and tackle my real CVS files which will be soon. Excellent app. show Review details
Absolutely brilliant 5 stars by philalex Sep 11, 2007 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I needed a tool for data cleansing a .csv file in order to create a database table. The .csv was way too big for MS Excel to cope with. I stumbled across this little gem and won't look for anything else now. It has all sorts of cool functions - column delete/add; record add/delete; column split/join; search and replace; file split/append... The list goes on. Very highly recommended!! show Review details
Great functionality, unique capabilities 5 stars by kbtech Feb 16, 2006
I've been using MS Excel for years to modify and work with CSV files. What frustration! There are so many problems that I won't get into them here. This little application, CSVed, solves those problems in an elegant way. It's very easy to import and export all types of text files and it does a great job of maintaining the original text file. Highly recommended. show Review details
Awesome! 5 stars by busybusy Jan 05, 2006 (Read all my 265 reviews)
This program is a must have! GET IT! Best CSV program you will ever find. I know I have looked for weeks and tried a few dozen utilities. None work like this program! Thanks! show Review details
Great csved 4 stars by farcalled Dec 23, 2005 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I have used CSVed for several years. The software is reliable, easy to use and, as far as I am aware, unmatched in its capabilities. If you have to work with csv files this is the best tool available. show Review details
Fills an important niche 5 stars by tabdelgawad Nov 14, 2005 (Read all my 2 reviews)
This program is unique in its ability to handle files that exceed Excel/OpenOffice.org's row (65K) and column (a paltry 256) limits. I've used it to open data files that are about 1 Gig in size and it handles them pretty well. The dialog boxes for selecting columns to work with are a little awkward, and some row selection methods would be useful (even just a record number), but all-in-all an excellent and valuable program. Thanks to the author show Review details
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