
JPGVideo User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 2 user reviews
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A rare find 3 stars by gusimio Sep 08, 2007 (Read all my 31 reviews)
This is the only freeware program I could find that will actually (and successfully) combine a series of jpegs into an AVI movie. Cons: No provision to sync/add sound and user cannot apply a 29.97 fractional framerate. After use, a correction to the whole number framerate can be adjusted by several freeware programs such as AviDemux, Internet Video Converter, and/or Super Video Converter. Once the proper framerate is achieved, a sound file can simply be added by using Windows Movie Maker to merge the audio and video. show Review details
Does what its supposed to 4 stars by alexlfm Feb 26, 2007
This program is great for doing what its supposed to; convert a bunch of numerical or alphabetical jpegs into an avi file. There are setting for all the basics like fps etc. This program doesnt do anything else however and a movie editing program is needed to clean the outputed video up. show Review details
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