ArsClip remedies one of Microsoft's many glaring usability oversights. Windows' "Clipboard" - a great idea! -- temporarily copies text or graphics from... just about any Windows program, to temporary storage, to then be used (pasted) into another program. It's the essence and power of running multiple programs. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X, all left-handed operations. Unfortunately, MS designed it such that only one item was retained in the Clipboard : the next copy overwrites the first. ArsClip deftly eliminates that shortcoming.
Without going into detail, ArsClip permits multiple clips to be retained and reused, either in multiple lists (defined by the user) or permanently as re-accessible clips. All are easily accessed. Resources minimal.
If you know what I mean by the Clipboard, ArsClip is one of the best clipboard utilities. If you don't know, heaven help you.
Thanks, JoeJoe, for your software and continuing improvements!
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jan 28, 2020 for v5.29