Imagelys Picture Styles

Imagelys Picture Styles User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 1 user review
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Very nice 4 stars by gimpguy Apr 26, 2009 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
Not bad at all. There are plenty of effects and patterns, along with numerous options to work with. I think the user interface could use some work, like delete layer on right click, effects windows need a change as well like opening a separate effect window completely, not integrated with others, also that annoying tool palette window that if you touch it, it opens, at least give an option to do so completely manually. It's a bit slow on the draw compared to others and I experience lag with this constantly. Tried on 3 computers with a lot of resources, it's just the prog itself. All in all if you don't want to learn Gimp or Photoshop and just want something that will do most of the popular effects and such, then this is a great image editor and with some work will be a top competitor. show Review details
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