TBS Cover Editor

TBS Cover Editor User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 1 user review
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A compliment to tbs 4 stars by gimpguy Aug 15, 2012 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
While you can create great software boxes in TBS, TBS cover editor does the rest. You can easily transform the box look, layout, and everything else. While this is worth paying for, I feel this should have been included with TBS, and not for the extra price. It feels like it's split off from what should have been a full software and which is why I gave it a lower rating. 80 for the whole package I could "possibly" agree with but not like this. It's still top of the line, and just as with TBS, if you have specific needs to use this fine, but typical users may not find any reason to use this. show Review details
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