
ClickOff User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 3 user reviews
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Works great. 4 stars by oteotd Mar 27, 2013 (Read all my 50 reviews)
I know this program may not work for every little window you may encounter however it works for what I need. One website I log-on to will log you out after 30 minutes if you have no activity. You do get a popup box with a button. This program can find that popup and close it. I no-longer have to sign in every 30 minutes to stay logged in, great when watching things on the internet that you don't necessarily need to follow 100 of the time. If you walk away or take a nap you will still be logged in when you return. The program has several advanced options on how to handle each window. The advanced settings are available once a window is assigned. This program can be downloaded from the publishers site in a zipped version which can be run as a portable application. The settings are stored in a config file in your profile application data folder if you use the installer version of the program. The zip version of the program will save the config files in the same folder as the one you unzipped to. No registry entries. The only real issue is setting the language. If you should somehow not set the language correctly when installing easy to skip, you will get the default language. To change simply right click the icon in the notification area and choose the second item down (settings). In the box that pops up find the drop-down and choose your language. I put the program into my start up folder. If I choose not to use it the program can be closed from the notification area. show Review details
Clicky 3 stars by gimpguy Sep 11, 2012 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
Well, this works with some windows, some times. I found for many windows it would simply ignore them, even after setting it, just didn't matter. Maybe for those who have constant pop up windows and know where they will be, but for every day use, nah, I couldn't find this to useful or to even work that well. Still free, worked sometimes. show Review details
Exactly what I needed. 5 stars by jlhns40 Jun 30, 2009 (Read all my 10 reviews)
This program is exactly what I needed to automatically close or select answers to annoying persistent nag and dialog confirmation popups. I give it a good daily workout for several different programs and browser popups. To set and forget, just point at the window or button, operate the hotkey, then if necessary highlight the selection in the main window and click on the advanced button to modify. It handles program popups as well as browser popups. It is not intended to be a main popup killer for browsers, but it will kill windows that many popup killers miss. As far as I know, this is the only freebie of this type available. Try it. You'll like it. show Review details
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