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Unobtrusive and handy 4 stars by jackfrost Dec 24, 2012 (Read all my 35 reviews)
I have been looking for a "The Wonderful Icon" replacement for x64 W7 (there are none as all-inclusive & elegant)- i found none, but I've found some that reproduce some if it's functions such as DM2, RBtray & a hack that lets me hide my desktop icons with hotkey action. I like this window minimizer-hider because it helps keep the taskbar clean when that is what i need. I rarely use virtual desktops because i don't find them practical, and some are resource hungry... so this accomplishes some of what virtual desktops aim for in keeping windows-tasks open yet out of the way. I couple it with Yodm3D to achieve very lightweight & functional control for what my intended purposes are. programs like this are a matter of taste, and i go back & forth between this and DM2- but both work with Yodm3D & should work most any other program like it. show Review details
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