EnhanceMySe7en  (Free Version)

EnhanceMySe7en (Free Version) User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 1 user review
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Tweaky 4 stars by gimpguy Aug 02, 2012 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
For the most part, no matter how you slice it, this gives easy access to do things that would take you a lot longer to accomplish going through the system by hand. The options are too numerous to list everything and I suggest downloading it and just using it, best way to see what you're getting here. It's been stable and a decent running app but I find I have little use for it after some initial tweaking but others may have a lot of fun or get a lot of use out of it. It's a great tweaker but again, unless you have constant use for it, it may not be so handy. Regardless, you won't lose out trying it either way. show Review details
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