MuseTips Free MP3 Ringtone Maker

MuseTips Free MP3 Ringtone Maker User Reviews

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Simple, portable, no ads, but lacks function 3 stars by otempora126838 Apr 01, 2020 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I would rarely dismiss anyone who provides portable, adware-free software. I would not do so here. This works well, as far as it works. I first tried to make a ringtone using Audacity -- there is a tutorial that talks you through it -- but it was a bit tedious. (Audacity is powerful!) So I figured I'd try this. It works very well, and quickly, no fuss. The problem is that -- in my test -- if you are trimming some longer piece, it provides no clue what the original clip sounds like, where you are in the tune, just a long bar of the total length, and you pick the starting and ending times. I sort of knew them from Audacity, and used those. The result was pretty good, and a smaller size than Audacity's. So if you know what you are working with, it's very useful. But you have to know what you are working with beforehand. So maybe use Audacity to trim it first, then convert it with this. show Review details
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