...My only concern is copyright infringement. The author's web sight is vague as to why people can't get into trouble using his software, IMO. The software works just fine though.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jun 19, 2007 for v1.40
The software developer responded to this review on Jul 13, 2007:
According to my expensive lawyers... It is not possible, in either the US or EU, to be pursued under law, criminal or otherwise, for watching, listening to, reading or even being in possession of, material which was distributed, broadcast or otherwise published, in violation of copyright. The legal responsibility, in all cases, lies with the publisher, distributor or broadcaster of the material.
All the mp3 files located by Clickster are hosted on openly accessible web servers and so therefore, the presumption must be that, the webmasters/companies concerned have the necessary permissions etc. to distribute this material.
The legal cases brought by the recording industry against P2P users, in both the States and Europe, were successful because of the File Sharing element of these networks. The individuals sued were all guilty of sharing and therefore distributing material in violation of copyright. Not one has been persued for downloading .
Of course with Clickster, there is no file-sharing.
So yes, there are possible legal implications for the webmasters who are making these mp3 s available to anyone and everyone on the Internet, but not the end user.
Another consideration is that, because mp3 s virtually stream from a web-server, (you can listen to it as it downloads) existing legislation which allows you to record broadcasts on on a VCR or Tivo, actually covers all media.
The same is true of the Radio Ripper within Clickster.
So don t believe the hype. Employing some of the best PR talent in the world, the Record Industry is very good at talking about "illegal downloads", but in reality, there is no such thing.
In conclusion, there is nothing illegal about or in Clickster and it s certainly not illegal to download any files it turns up as being freely available on the Internet. The responsibility always lies with the publisher/distributor etc.
I admit Clickster, as a legal music downloader, is something of a problem to the Record Industry. After all, there are certainly many times more mp3 files available on web-servers than all the P2P networks put together. But that is for them to resolve, not me and certainly not Clickster s customer base. I, Clickster and its many thousands of users are working within the provisions of National and International Law.
Sorry for such a lengthy response, but you raised a very good point and one I wanted to answer fully. I do take your comment about my website being vague and I will seek to address this ASAP. I m just a small outfit and time can get awfully tight sometimes.