Software Reviews by AwfkiWhistler

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

HFS - HTTP File Server HFS - HTTP File Server

Quick and easy way to share files 5 stars
Excellent little app that makes it simple to move a few files to another computer without the hassle of FTP servers or Windows networking. Price: Free
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Wallpaper Master Wallpaper Master

Best wallpaper utility i've seen so far 5 stars
It's got lots of options. It does it's job effectively and doesn't get in the way. An all around great little wallpaper switcher. Price: Free
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Dimension 4 Dimension 4

Excellent time sync utility 4 stars
I just wanted something to sync on boot and then exit. I'm not doing anything time critical so I don't need hourly update or anything. This little does the job wonderfully. My only complaint, and it's a minor one, is that it comes with a large list of servers and it's kind of a pain going through them to find one that's nearby. Price: Free
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Startup Control Panel Startup Control Panel

Excellent utility 4 stars
Startup Control Panel is an excellent little util for gain visibility into your startup programs. It will let you move things between startup areas, disable/delete and edit items and add new items. The interface could be improved but it's better than many others. Price: Free
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