Great tool, after some playing. App's start page is a GREAT look at month-to-date progress. You can also track stocks and your car(s). Multiple databases: "Yours", "Mine", and "Ours". Track them together, if funds are shared between them. Use the "Transfer" button. Or just create one database!
The best part is that you can start with NO budget and then review your expenses to see what categories were exceeded! Then, adjust the budget values until you see all green checks! You can copy the new month's budget from last month and make changes. Fast!
The Bank Accounts page running total shows negative numbers if you blew it at the end of the month! Then, you have what's left for the current month! THIS keeps you honest! The Withdrawal, Deposit, and Balance are done right for quick visual scanning! You can set a Transaction filter to find things on this page, as it will be quite long by October. LOTS of filter choices and many time-frames for the transactions.
EVERYthing is editable! Good built-in categories! Remembers last transaction date (if set) and can pre-select category:subcategory based on Payee (if set). This can get in the way sometimes. As you enter new Payees, you're prompted to save them. You can edit them later! Single-char matching for Payee name!
Reports are over-the-top! The only thing that I don't understand is "Estimated Expenses" are ALWAYS ZERO in most reports, but are correct everywhere it counts.
I am sending a donation! The BEST!
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Feb 04, 2014 for v1.0.0.1