Computer tweakers & curious users, rejoice!
Finally, you have the ability to find out all the secretive stuff going on in your system while you're using it.
This "pack" of programs is indispensable for recovering passwords, discovering sneaky URL's of ad servers, extracting icons from .exe & .dll files, and the list goes on...
I use all of the programs in NirLauncher regularly, and don't know how I ever managed without them!
If you're one of those people who likes to have a clean, trim, well-running computer, then get this program!
It's intuitive, no-frills, hardcore information gathering goodness!
Never had a problem running it; easy to use; definitely one to keep in your 'puter tool kit!
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Oct 11, 2012 for v1.17.01