I've used a number of Xara products in their web site creation products. This isn't bad, but it gets clumsy as the site grows, and as an occasional user, it can be awkward.
The interface feels old and slow. I'm not doing anything complex and only use a fraction of Xara's features, yet, I am looking for something else. It is WYSIWYG, and it has good menus.
I've had good luck with copy and paste of "very standard HTML" from my old sites into Xara program. I had to do some tweaks, and a few tables and such would not import, but over ok there.
I'm having problems exporting this to any other program, thus my main gripe now is that once you use it, you are welded and stuck with it. It seems many web page creation programs are like that, so take care with them all. Being able to export to other editors in the future is a key issue here, and with other programs too. I think this is good to start and good for small sites.
For a true bare bones beginner, try Kompozer or other older free product to learn. As I said, I'm looking for a replacement of Xara now. As a note, I've used far worse, so Xara may be a good choice for others, and if the needs are modest, this seems good.
Try the trial first!
Price: Free Trial ($49.00)
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jan 15, 2020 for v12.0.1