I have been using this software for a couple of years now. With a collection of over half a million images there are bound to be duplicates. DupDetector makes the process of eliminating them so much easier. The software really scores however in finding those images that are essentially the same, but have been manipulated, resized, compressed and generally messed-about. This app finds images that LOOK the same even though wildly different at the byte level.
Where it falls down however is in a clunky interface that is less than helpful and wastes much of its potential because it is hard to see what parameters are needed where. Once you have got it working it works incredibly well, but newcomers could be put off by the complexity of the interface.
Searching 22,000 images per hour on a 2Ghz laptop seems standard. Going through the matches on by one afterwards is the lengthy bit and causes some eye-strain. Thankfully there is an option to move dupes rather than delete them - which has saved me from hair-tearing mistakes many times over.
Points to note: only 1,000 positive matches can be processed at a time, so if you get more than that in any search you have to keep reprocessing. Making decisions is made harder because the file information for each match is printed on opposite edges of the screen, meaning a lot of eye-flickering as you work out which image is the best.
In spite of this I love the software and could not live without it. I just wish the interface was better.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted May 04, 2011 for v3.30.1