I'm writing this review mainly in response to DonMarquis comment Very good if you can download it. Well, it IS a large file at 13 of a gig, but with a high-speed connection and especially a download manager (I use FDM)it really is a moot issue. I have DL'ed Norman at least 100 times over 5 years and have ran it upwards of 1000 times.
Now, what IS Norman? While it is NOT realtime virus protection, Norman Malware Cleaner is a TRUE standalone program (i.e. it needs no special files from your computer and leaves nothing except a quarantine folder and the Log it creates on your desk top) that scans for malware using daily updated Definitions-- you "update" Norman by downloading a new one. Some reviews say things like "finds what others did not" and I can't put it any better than that! I run it every few days on all my machines and more so on my "at risk" machines. Moreover, because of my OCD and crystal meth abuse, I keep it on a USB and run it on any machine I sit at AND NEARLY ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING.
The only thing I would add is, you need to go to Options and check all the boxes-- and don't worry, it still doesn't do anything irreversible until the very end, at which time you can delete items (all or some) from the quarantine.
Excellent standalone malware definition scanner!
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Dec 26, 2014 for v2.08