Intercept and view all HTTP traffic HTTP Toolkit offer automatic interception of HTTP and HTTPS traffic from most clients, including web browsers like Chrome and Firefox, almost all CLI tools, and backend languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby and more...
HTTP Toolkit offer automatic interception of HTTP and HTTPS traffic from most clients, including web browsers like Chrome and Firefox, almost all CLI tools, and backend languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby and more.
You can...
Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that enables you to capture and examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data and view summary and detail information...
SmartSniff is a TCP/IP packet capture program that allows you to inspect network traffic that passes through your network adapter. The two pane interface displays the captured packet and detailed information in ASCII or Hex...
York is an easy to use network traffic sniffer (a.k.a packet analyzer) that enables you to perform an in-depth analysis of all network traffic that passes through your network adapter. The traffic can be automatically...
WebCookiesSniffer is a small packet sniffer that monitors your web browsing activity and automatically captures all cookies that are exchanged between your browser and the sites you are browsing. It provides a detailed report...
HTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table.
For every HTTP request, the following information is...
NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) that can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic...
IP Traffic Spy is an easy to use tool that allows you to peak at the data that is being passed back and forth from your computer and other computers on the internet or network. For each data packet, it displays the source and...
WebSiteSniffer is a small packet sniffer app that automatically captures all website files that are downloaded by your browser and saves them to a folder of your choice. This includes images, scripts, HTML files, Flash, Video...
URL Snooper enables you to automatically extract links that are masked or hidden behind scripts and/or server redirection. The program uses WinPcap and acts as a small network sniffer, that automatically extracts all URLS that...
IP Tools (a.k.a. IP Sniffer) is a protocol analyzer that supports filtering rules, adapter selection, packet decoding, advanced protocol description and more. Detailed information about each packet is provided in a tree-style...
Microsoft Network Monitor 3 is a network protocol analyzer that can capture network traffic for further inspection by a network administrator. It supports regular expression filters, scriptable parsers, custom data types and...
AnalogX PacketMon allows you to capture IP packets that pass through your network interface - whether they originated from the machine on which PacketMon is installed, or a completely different machine on your network! Once...
Looking for more choices? There are 4 more downloads in our Protocol Analyzers (Shareware) category.