These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Fences enables you to organize your desktop by setting visual boundaries for your desktop icons. The default settings will organize your desktop icons by type (Programs, Web Links, Documents etc.) but you can easily cus...
Category: Desktop Tools
PointerFocus is a handy toolbox for on-screen presentations that helps you keep your audience focused on (screen) areas of interest. You can highlight your cursor or activate a mouse spotlight, display keystrokes in lar...
Category: Desktop Tools
Chameleon Folder provides quick access to your favorite or frequently used folders from the system tray, Windows Explorer and Open/Save dialogs. You create a custom menu with the folders you want have quick access to, a...
Category: Desktop Tools
Flip PDF enables you to create Flash based flip books with page turning effects from your PDF files. The flip books are ready to be uploaded to your site for online publishing (using Flash), or you can export them to a ...
Category: Flash Design Tools
zBar is a small utility for multi-monitor systems that places a taskbar on each additional monitor and moves the program icons from your main taskbar to the taskbar of the monitor where the programs are being used. ...
Category: Desktop Tools
CustomExplorerToolbar is a small tool that lets you customize the toolbar buttons that are available in Windows Explorer. You can add various button options, including Copy, Cut, Paste, Select All, Toggle Menu Bar, Undo...
Category: System Tweaking
CDMenuPro is a tool to create custom CD menus that will automatically launch when the CD is inserted. It includes 6 templates (additional templates can be purchased on CD) that can be customized to your needs, or you ca...
Category: CD/DVD/Blu-ray
ReplyWith is an add-on for MS Outlook that allows you to reply to messages using a collection of canned messages, so you don't have to type the same replies over and over gain. It integrates into the message window...
Category: Outlook Add-ons
Eusing Free IP Switcher enables mobile users to quickly switch between different network settings with the click of a button. You can create up to 5 different profiles that define IP address and D...
Category: Network Administration
Spencer offers an easy way to bring back the Classic Windows XP Start Menu to your Windows 8 computer. The program comes as standalone application and does not require any installation. Simply copy the spencer.exe file ...
Category: Desktop Tools