advanced date calculator DateCalc is an advanced date and time calculator that enables you to perform a wide variety of date calculations with ease. You can calculate the exact time (days, weeks, minutes, hours etc.) between two dates, add/subtract time, calculate the first Monday (or other day) for each month, and much more. The program also provides useful date information for the current date as well as well as conversions to standard date formats, including Unix, ISO 8601, Julian and others. Copyright
Publisher | Paul Heinrich (3) | Price | Free |
Version | 1.3 | Last updated | Dec 23, 2013 |
File Size | 1.54 Mb | Requirements | None |
5 stars | 1 | |
4 stars | 0 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
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1 star | 0 | |
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Amazing!by busybusy Sep 19, 2013 (Read all my 263 reviews)