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share large files with your friends zeZebra is a P2P application that enables you to share large files with your friends, even if they are too large for email of other file sharing services. Unlike similar apps, the zeZebra service does not store your file in the cloud but arranges the file transfer directly between your computer to the recipients computer (peer to peer). To share a file, simply select it to add it to your queue - the program will automatically generate a URL that you can send via email, post on Facebook or otherwise share with your friends. The recipient will need to install zeZebra in order to download the file. Since your files are served from your PC rather than zeZebra's servers, there is no limit on file size but download speeds are subject to the upload speed limits of your Internet connection, which are usually much slower than your download speeds. Other features include bandwidth control, optional Outlook integration and a built-in Contacts manager. zeZebra works well for those who frequently share larger files with a group of users and are looking for an alternative to email. Copyright Snapfiles.com

zeZebra is currently not available.

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