Jackass JoeJoe

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Listed Since
Jul 23, 2002
Software Listings
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star  3.8 out of 5
Average User Rating
star  4.5 out of 5  (30 user reviews)
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66  NewFileGo

Software products from this publisher

ArsClip screenshot

icon ArsClip

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (5)
  • Popularity:22

ArsClip is a clipboard and snippet manager that automatically keeps track of items that are copied to the Windows clipboard. You can press a configurable hotkey and a small popup menu will appear, allowing you to select an... more

NewFileGo screenshot

icon NewFileGo

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:66

NewFileGo watches files in a folder for changes and can trigger a command when a change is detected. The program can monitor for file changes, new file, or both. You can create multiple folder monitors and limit the monitoring... more

Rename Master screenshot

icon Rename Master

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (25)
  • Popularity:66

Rename Master is a utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming... more