Easy GIF Animator

Easy GIF Animator User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 3 Based on 2 user reviews
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I still use this but it's boring. 3 stars by JamJar Dec 14, 2014 (Read all my 27 reviews)
Easy Gif has an updated version which can convert video to GIF after about 5 hrs wait. This one is well ok, I don't really think there is a great GIF animator that does everything I want it to. Like all Blumentals software, I hate the way their licence works and I find it quite sly. I've told them this but.. show Review details
After using ega 2 stars by sundog_279 Dec 19, 2005 (Read all my 6 reviews)
This is a cheap-tidy little package. I found it easy to use but my needs outgrew it's ability very quickly and I suspect this will be a problem for most users. Considering the price I am not unhappy with the choice but perhaps could have been better off spending my time learning a more capable program show Review details
The software developer responded to this review on May 11, 2006: This software was designed and optimized for *easy* use by casual computer users, webmasters and beginner-level computer artists. If you are looking for a professional tool which is not so easy to use but delivers much more features, Easy GIF Animator might be not the first choice, but it is a great tool to start with for most of us.
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