For all users, but especially for which must handle hundreds of PDF files. Very good program.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jan 19, 2006 for v1.5 build 48
Very useful, well done by Csonka
Jan 01, 2006
It works well, intelligent design. The text filtering is quite useful. I use several thousands pdf files regularly.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jan 01, 2006 for v1.5 build 47
Well done by Jean-Claude
Sep 26, 2005
As a software engineer and now doing a master I spent and will spend a lot of time perusing information in PDF format. The PDF Explorer is extremely easy to use, fast and seems to be a tool that I am going to be using quite a lot in the future. Congratulation to whom ever programmed it and many thank for leaving it as a freeware! Thumbs up. Never mind one comment I have read.....Salut
Review details
Quick and easy to use. The interface takes a minute to get used to, but after the first 60 seconds I was able to really get a handle on the hundreds of PDFs scattered across my network (yes!) and my PC. A great FREE tool for those who create and/or save their PDFs.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Sep 07, 2005 for v1.5 build 42 beta
Excellent way to manage pdf files by nhoj007
Sep 02, 2005
This program is a very good interface to manage all of your PDF files. Very easy to use if you have any Windows experience at all.
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