Only program to show active user...! Nice! by homeflash
Jan 02, 2014
(Read all my 15 reviews)
I was looking for utility to search for username by computer nameip address. It seems like this is the only tool that I can find to show me the username by computer nameip address.
Nice Job.. but of course, there is lots of room for improvement...
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Posted Jan 02, 2014 for v2.3.2161
It's good to be free by desperado080435
Jun 26, 2012
I should say scans are quick and easy to run. And I once used Athtek IP scanner. The interface is more clear and features are powerful!
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Posted Jun 26, 2012 for v2.2.224
Great utility... by Jandarsun8
Aug 04, 2011
I support 150+ users that connect through a VPN and it's so much easier to just run a quick scan on that IP range than it is to walk most of them through getting their IP address in order to take the machine over. Scans are quick and easy to run. Recommend this to anyone that needs a simple quick scanning tool.
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Very easy to use with a lot of info. And no issues getting mac addy. Detected all PCs on lan, no problem. Easy set scan range, very fast scan, great software.
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Posted Apr 21, 2009 for v1.5
Great alternative by camsdad
Jun 22, 2007
Had been using Angry IP Scan. Much easier to use, more "save-able" defaults (ie- starting ip range, NETBios resolution y/n, etc), very fast scan.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jun 22, 2007 for v1.5
Excellent for network inventory by SirPerigrin
Oct 21, 2006
As an IT professional i truly appreciate free products with robust features and simple but rich user interfaces, and this is one of them. a note to the previous reviewer, USE IT RIGHT before u complain it returns bad mac addresses. if u had ASKED the program to retrieve the netBIOS info, it would have resolved the MAC.
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