
FontRenamer User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 2 user reviews
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Simple and cute...but dangerous 3 stars by Harlan Dec 19, 2006 (Read all my 69 reviews)
Helpfully turns cryptic names into plain English. BUT...some of those names (*.FON, mostly) are hard-coded into Windows and Windows applications, and changing their names makes them unavailable. Windows and other programs will instead use some other font, and as a result many dialog windows will be misformatted. This isn't just ugly, it prevents you from selecting action buttons, selecting from lists, etc., so you'd better be prepared to restore some files to their original names. Since there won't be any error messages from the affected programs, you may have to do some guessing. show Review details
Simple, yet very effective 5 stars by legion1978 May 22, 2006 (Read all my 18 reviews)
Exactly. pretty cool and useful. show Review details
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