This is a really good piece of work. "Author, Author"!
The description does not mention direct access to your computer's scanner which I feel is a super feature.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Dec 14, 2008 for v2.5.2
I found it to be an excellent program by Lessthan
Nov 19, 2007
I think the other revue was rather harsh, yes at first I was lost in the interface but then we all usually are lost in new programs.
Once I got into it perhaps after half an hour of struggling.
I can understand the other point he made about importing pics. I only found the three little dots that are used for browsing for a picture by accident.
As for 'numerous' other things wrong', the only thing that had me scratching my head was the margin on the back cover which was slightly out but that was soon fixed in the 'page setup menu'.
I told a friend of mine about this program, he is very new to computing, but after downloading the program it didn't take him long to produce excellent covers for his collection after a little help over MSN.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely yes! Once you get into it, it is easy-peesy.
Review details
Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Nov 19, 2007 for v2.5.2
Not user freindly by djdrwho
Jul 21, 2006
This program is nice, but it lacks instructions on how to do most everything once you have created your cover. I could not find how to import anything such as pictures once the cover was created. There are other things wrong, but too numerous to mention in this short space. I would not recommend this product at this time.
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