Quick Cliq

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Quick & easy! 5 stars by busybusy Jun 28, 2015 (Read all my 265 reviews)
The menu utility has a lot of nice features and after the install the program has a tutorial to boot to show you how to use it. You don't see that very often at all, nice job. The setup of the menus is fast and allow various options: File, Folder, Folder Menu, Folder Switch, System Shortcut, Email, URL, and Special. To add to this it allows Explorer integration so it will add items to your QuickCliq menu or sub-menu by using the Right-Click quick add option. The hot-keys allow fast access to menu and other program options like: clips, wins, memo, recent; Lots of great tools. Great tool and it is portable to boot. Two-Thumbs Up! Get it, use it, rate it! show Review details
Probably as good as it gets 5 stars by dugsbunny Jun 20, 2013 (Read all my 7 reviews)
I've tried many of the app launcher software, and I've grown weary of all of them; that led me to re-try Quick Cliq. Mind you, QCliq is not for a beginner who is trying an app launcher for the first time. QCliq was too difficult the first time I tried it, so I went with SE-Tray lite. SE-Tray is an excellent program but its limitations forced me to migrate to sTabLauncher. sTabLauncher is another fine offering but like all dock launchers, it has a tendency to get in your way. So, on the re-try, QCliq was given first try, and it was baffling at first. But with experimentation, I soon learned how to work the menu-build screen, and we're a happy couple now. QCliq stays out of my way until I call it up with the swipe-right-click mouse motion, then my menu appears, then auto-hides as soon as a choice is selected. The program offers plenty of options to hide/show this feature or that, and I've yet to find an irritating quirk; it's a remarkably-designed app that is balanced in features, functionality, and ease-of-use. For any launcher, it has to ride in the system tray or appear by keystroke or mouse click or it will get in your way. Dock launchers--whether docked to the side, top, or bottom--just get in your way. QCliq is an excellent app that will be my keeper for a long time. show Review details
Simple solution 5 stars by Zephyr Mar 23, 2012
As per the title, I think this piece of software aptly resembles a solution. And a simple one at that. I have followed the software from it's earlier period up till now. And I have to say, although there's been some changes, the software stays true to it's original concept and theory. It's a light, simple and efficient piece of software that manages your shortcuts and launches it in the most easy way. I also liked the ability to customize almost every aspects of the program. From graphics, gestures and settings. Also packed within the launchers are some nifty little features, such as "Hide Windows", "Memos" and many more. This is truly a great software and I would definitely recommend it to my friends. show Review details
Seriously good 5 stars by seanys Feb 28, 2012 (Read all my 2 reviews)
The best software is free and Quick Cliq is no exception. Be up and running with this VERY handy little app in minutes. This has replaced Phrase Express, Folder Guide (broken in Win7), the Quick Launch menu on my Taskbar and made up for the hole left by Microsoft when when they built Windows 7 and disallowed extra floating taskbars. Thank you! show Review details
Try this terrific utility! 5 stars by misstakeprone Oct 22, 2011 (Read all my 2 reviews)
Quick Cliq is the smallest, fastest, and most convenient utility to launch programs or to open folders and files that Ive encountered. All it takes is a quick mouse gesture--a right-click and slight downward pull on the mouse anywhere in any window--and instantly your personalized list of links to programs, folders and files pops up. Then just (left) click the desired link; Quick Cliqs small popup window instantly disappears and your program, folder or file is activated. And it is a snap to add links: just right-click any Window object and select Add to Quick Cliq. You can also add or edit links or adjust the format of Quick Cliqs popup window by selecting the AddChange link. There are lots of other features as well, including a clipboard and memo list. Nothing can match the ease and convenience of just scratching your display screen with the mouse cursor and popping up a couple dozen or more links to your most often-used programs, files and folders. No need to go fishing thru the notification area looking for a launcher icon, or trying to remember a hotkey sequence. Its all nicely thought out with a clean intuitive user interface. It is a great program! show Review details
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