
VirtualBox User Reviews

5 stars66% 2
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Best of vm 5 stars by busybusy Apr 28, 2021 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Since VirtualBox 6 the stability and compatibility has much improved. I run older environments like XP and now Windows 7 which are running stable in these environments. The major thing is the realize the amount of resources need to run multiple VM on your machine both CPU and Memory are the key factors especially if you are running them concurrent with your host OS. So far VirtualBox has had not hiccups as of yet! Another thing you might need is the Extensions Pack and Guest Additions which is Free for personal, educational or evaluation use under the terms of the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris x-86 platforms. VirtualBox Extension Pack is a binary package intended to extend the functionality of VirtualBox like USB 3.0, WebCams pass-through, RDP, image encryption and other functionality. There is a lot of information on both the installation, configuration, adding of the extensions, and to setting up your first VM. It is easy, free, and give you an option to run multiple environments all on ONE machine. Have Fun! show Review details
Now i can run my old 16-bit programs 5 stars by dan-fan-cc417 May 11, 2018 (Read all my 4 reviews)
VirtualBox is amazing for a free program. I created a virtual drive. Then I installed XP to that drive. Then I installed the two 16-bit programs that I have been using for decades to handle my financial data. All worked perfectly. I also have an old game that I am kind of addicted to. This also installed and ran perfectly. It took a little fine tuning to defeat some delays in the mouse reaction, but that wasn't too hard. My only suggestion is that a "Virtual Box for Dummies" document is needed. The existing documentation is rather obtuse on many things. Thanks, Oracle. show Review details
Lots of promise 3 stars by Irritated Feb 18, 2011 (Read all my 12 reviews)
...but not ready for real-world usage yet. My experience with Virtualbox was full of hope, but in the end disappointing. It is pretty buggy, and I was spending more time hunting down errors and obscure error messages than I was working. For example, the USB connect functions don't work on 64-bit host OSes. This latest release has reduced slightly the number of as-yet-unresolved critical bugs, but is still not as stable as MS Virtual PC (which is limited to Windows guest OSes). If the engineers behind VirtualBox keep going it can be a great product ... worth following up on as it matures. The good news is the the VMware Player is also free, super stable, and can now make virtual machines as well as play them. It lacks the "snapshot features" of VirtualBox, but is a lot more stable. show Review details
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