Directory Opus

Directory Opus User Reviews

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Windows is incomplete without this 5 stars by scsitransfer816 Jun 21, 2019
Using Directory Opus for the first time a couple years ago instantly changed the way I managed files on my computer. Being able to easily perform advanced functions and file organization with so much ease makes this tool a must buy for any windows power user. I'm sure that I only really understand 20 of the power of this tool as well, which makes me amazed and excited to know that if/when I run into some file management inconvenience there's probably a tool or option integrated into Directory Opus already to make it a breeze. I will continue to buy licenses so that I can have one on every PC in my home, and if you value your time and don't want to waste anymore on cumbersome file related tasks, you should too. show Review details
One of the very best! 5 stars by Job076 Apr 17, 2019
Great, the very best I would say! Multicommander is free, and almost as good, but Opus is THE BEST. I have purchased several licenses to use it on all my computers. show Review details
Opus is to a computer as salt is to the sea 5 stars by amerifax Dec 03, 2014 (Read all my 6 reviews)
There is absolutely no one that knows how to turn on a computer that can't benefit from Opus. Never found a program in all my years that financially benefited my needs. As far as the utility program I guarantee you will never find an equal. Utility! It would be better for me to list what it cannot do. But then I wouldn't know what that would be. Recently I was a victim of the way extremely harsh embezzlement. I am the only source in the state of Wisconsin that had the ability back in 2011 to list every home built since 1989. I had to reconstruct that database to same accuracy I had before the embezzlement. I searched high and low for a program that could save and reconstruct my damaged files. I could not find anything even close to what I needed. Then I started toying around with opus which I had for 8+ years. To my surprise I had the perfect program already installed on my computer, Opus. It gave me the capability to save my company. Sounds a bit heavy, but it's a fact. An absolute necessity. Whenever I reinstall, Windows XP to Windows 8.1 64bit, the 1st thing installed is Opus. The latest update to 11.6 "... Best update that I have ever received in all my years with computers. I feel I have an additional 70 of feature power. Short on experience, take out of the box and fly. Techie - Definitely Makes Your Day. Better said. Create whatever you want. Forum Support (You'll never find better) Search amerifax and see the speed and response quality. show Review details
Not cheap, but you do get what you pay for. 5 stars by bolgwrad Sep 18, 2014 (Read all my 20 reviews)
How much money have you ever wasted buying gadgets or dumbware in the hope that it would improve your computer experience? DOpus isn't one of those. I first bought DOpus back in v4, it's now v11 - they charge for full version upgrades, but I'm hooked. Insanely customizable interface WITHOUT being confusing and you can view almost every file from the 'explorer' pane - from text to videos to CorelDraw. My favourite is editing RTF files without opening any other app. Save window layouts and recall them from the menu bar, double-click anywhere on the desktop to open whatever window layout you specify, you'll never run out of things to tweak or functions you didn't know you had. And the forum support is excellent; not that you will need support, just that you will have lots of ideas. If you're a tweaker, you won't regret buying it. show Review details
The best file manager there is 5 stars by rgprgp May 03, 2013
Directory Opus is the best. I have used it for about 7 years and like the previous poster said, try to live without it. Their product support is fantastic, questions get answered usually within a few hours, and frequently they are answered by the person who owns the company. It has extensive customization options as well as the ability to create your own custom commands and buttons using scripts. You don't have to learn the script, just ask the developers directly on the support forum and they will usually write one up for you in their response. show Review details
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